As a photographer, I love observing people quietly, watching their actions when they’re comfortable just being themselves, and recording the stories of their lives.

This is an ongoing project called ‘A day in the life of’. This series began as a small way to be intentional about making and sharing images, and as a way to document not only the milestones in my daughters' lives but also the day-to-day happenings—the quieter moments. This is by no means an exhaustive set of photos… I generally don’t have pictures of crying, melt downs or when they're not feeling well. These aspects are a part of life too but for now I’m usually with them and not with my camera during those times, so although the moments shared in these photos don’t show everything that happens in a day of our lives, the photos are still true to the feelings and memories they evoke. Starting with what’s close at hand, and what’s close at heart.